
ARMS DMI is a rugged, heavy duty and high precision distance measuring instrument that is designed to accurately record chainages during survey.

Longitudinal Roughness & Texture Profiler (LRTP)

The ARMS longitudinal profiler is a Class 1 profiler which is designed with a combination of high accuracy laser and accelerometer sensors to measure the longitudinal profile of the road which is in turn used to calculate the road condition data.

GPS & GNSS + INS Road Geometry System

ARMS system offers different GPS modules at different price points and accuracies. Low end GPS receiver with 3-15m accuracy and 1Hz update rate.

ARMS Video

Small form factor 2K resolution and 4K options. User configurable capture intervals with high precision linear referenced hardware triggering mechanism.

TRP (Transverse Rut Profiler)

5 Point to 15 Point sensor configuration. User friendly plug and play design gives the flexibility for lower sensor configura- tion systems to upgrade to more sensors anytime

Automatic Multi Distress Detection System

Fully automated multi distress detection (AMDD) system uses the latest and highly accurate 3D sensors (LCMS-2) from PavemetricsTM to analyse and report distresses with high resolution pavement images